Grote porties nasi en bami Op 15 december 2024 (om 15:00 u) viert post-theatre posse Grande Loge een Bigi Yari met stories,tori’s poku’s en saus. Vette tunes, meeslepende performances, lekker eten, polonaise, gezamenlijke mantra’s en film. Centraal staan tracks van het nieuwe album. Onder bezielende leiding van de ‘kleine witte man’ David Christelle wordt het […]
ONLY SHORTS is a performative film program in collab with Rotterdam Street Culture Week (RSCW). A mix of screenings, performances and presentations, based on the CoVidPro filmseries. Become a member for a day and let the infra-faya enlight your spirit. Longstoryshorts 16:00 – 18:30 Free admission – walk in, shorts by Tyrone Rickey Lee ‘Tylee’, […]
Co Vid Pro Live #1 Konmakandra KINO Co Vid Pro (collaborative video project) is a series of short films, created in Lockdown Times. Co-Vid Pro is a celebration of unique creators. Twenty artistic teams were assembled by Grande Loge’s Grande Mang. These teams were tasked with creating short films that celebrate the glory of their […]